What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

When it comes to dermal fillers, our New Jersey-based injectors at South Jersey Skin Care use the RHA® line to address a range of cosmetic issues, from lines and folds to facial hollows. RHA® stands for “Resilient Hyaluronic Acid,” which are words that may sound familiar to anyone with even a passing interest in skincare these days—but what do they actually mean? For that matter, what ishyaluronic acid?

First, a quick anatomy lesson. All of the various parts of your body work in harmony every day so you can move and function. Not all of the parts easily move against each other however, and if left to operate without some sort of lubrication, the resulting friction would cause problems. Hyaluronic acid provides that lubrication.

The molecule is a sugar made naturally in the body, where it helps joints to move freely and provides a cushioning effect where needed. The substance is particularly slippery and fluid, because each molecule can bind to up to 1,000 times its own weight in water. This property makes it essential for another of its roles in the body: providing hydration. It fills the eyes, for example, as well as gives the skin the moisture it needs to remain supple, pliant, and full-looking.

Hyaluronic acid breaks down due to time and environmental factors, and the processes in place to replace it in the skin also slow as a person ages. This means levels of the sugar drop over time, leading to skin that is dry, less pliant, and sunken-looking.

Many dermal fillers work by re-introducing hyaluronic acid into the space below the skin’s surface. RHA®, in particular, is especially good at mimicking the hyaluronic acid made naturally in the skin, as the formula allows it to move naturally once injected and “resist” the constant motion of facial muscles.

In fact, RHA® is the first dermal filler to be FDA-approved for treating dynamic wrinkles, which are lines that appear as facial muscles repeatedly contract over time.

Like hyaluronic acid found naturally in the skin, the injected type also breaks down with time. New injection sessions can bring the sugar back where it’s needed again, with maintenance treatments happening at regular intervals so that the skin remains healthy and youthful-looking.

For more information about skin aging, hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers, and RHA®, schedule a consultation or contact us at South Jersey Skin Care and Laser Center. In a complimentary consultation, our team can explain the various formulations and options, as well as what they do and what you can expect!

Dr. Robin Levin