How BOTOX® Works in the Forehead
April 6, 2020BOTOX,injectablesBOTOX,Injectables
The forehead muscles responsible for wrinkles in the uppermost part of the face are called the frontalis, corrugator…
MiraDry® for the Hot Yoga Enthusiast
March 27, 2020hyperhidrosis,miraDry,sweat,yogaUncategorized
Sweat plays a very necessary role in the human body. Specifically, it is responsible for removing certain types of…
BOTOX® in Your 30s
January 14, 202030s,BOTOX,injectables,wrinklesBOTOX,Injectables
Thinking of trying cosmetic treatments but unsure of when it’s best to start? There’s no need to wait for lines and…
Welcome Cosmetic Consultant Tara Avallone
December 27, 2019cosmetic consultant,Tara AvalloneSouth Jersey Skin Care Team
South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center takes a full-spectrum approach to dermatology in New Jersey, providing an…