How to Spot the Three Main Types of Skin Cancer

UV (ultraviolet) radiation is a type of energy found in sunlight and from artificial sources like tanning beds. The radiation is believed to be the primary cause behind sunburns…

4 Little Known Benefits of a BOTOX® Lip Flip

Many patients who come to our New Jersey office for a BOTOX® lip flip are self-conscious about the shape or size of their natural lips. BOTOX® is commonly used in the upper part…

What Causes Nasolabial Folds and How to Treat Them

Some of the most prominent signs of aging tend to appear in the lower part of the face, around the mouth and jawline. These include marionette lines that extend between the sides…

How BOTOX® Works in the Forehead

The forehead muscles responsible for wrinkles in the uppermost part of the face are called the frontalis, corrugator supercilii, depressor supercilii, and procerus. The…

MiraDry® for the Hot Yoga Enthusiast

Sweat plays a very necessary role in the human body. Specifically, it is responsible for removing certain types of waste and for temperature regulation, but bad odor, together…

BOTOX® in Your 30s

Thinking of trying cosmetic treatments but unsure of when it’s best to start? There’s no need to wait for lines and creases to become more severe than they are now to try…

Welcome Cosmetic Consultant Tara Avallone

South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center takes a full-spectrum approach to dermatology in New Jersey, providing an extensive range of both clinical and cosmetic services. As a…