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Learn About Boosting Volume and Augmenting Facial Features in NJ
When it comes to fillers, the choice for many patients in 2024 is RHA®, an injectable that uses a resilient form of hyaluronic acid (HA) to create especially natural-looking results. We have the opportunity to use such an advanced option thanks to the decades of research and use that have gone into other HA fillers, such as Juvéderm®. NJ-area patients have long chosen Juvederm® to help improve facial harmonics by adding volume to specified areas—and it remains the only HA filler approved by the FDA for use in the upper face, including the temples.
By adding volume with HA injections, wrinkles and folds can disappear within minutes, youthful contours can be enhanced, and specific facial features can be augmented. For many patients, results from Juvéderm® filler treatments last nine to 12 months—or longer. Though RHA® is now a filler of choice, Juvéderm® fillers can still be most effective for the right patients at South Jersey Skin Care. Most importantly, you don’t need to have a specific filler in mind when you come to us—though if you do, please let us know! At our initial consultation, we will listen to your requests, assess the signs of aging you would like to address, and then recommend the treatment that would best deliver the results you are seeking. It may be Juvéderm®, it may be RHA®, or it may be something else entirely. What matters most is that it will make sense for you.
Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robin Levin and the team of skin care specialists at South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center would be happy to educate anyone looking to learn more about facial fillers like Juvederm® in NJ. Click here to schedule an appointment, and we will get in touch with you shortly. If you prefer, you may also contact us by phone at 856-810-9888.
Our Approach to Facial Fillers
When Dr. Robin Levin performs an injectable treatment, she engages her medical experience as well as her artistic eye to carefully boost volume and reduce wrinkles. Her nuanced ability to balance these aspects allows her to produce proportioned, natural- looking results with dermal fillers at her South Jersey practice.
All of our cosmetic consultations are performed by Tara Avallone, who has been working with Dr. Levin for more than 15 years and has extensive knowledge on cosmetic and aesthetic treatments. A comprehensive consultation based on patient goals in partnership with the performing provider has led to a high-level of patient satisfaction and naturally beautiful outcomes. This consultation allows the patient an opportunity to discuss cosmetic dermatology goals and discover the recommended treatment options to meet the unique needs of each patient. Dr. Levin and the team at South Jersey Skin Care embrace a natural look when it comes to facial filler treatments. They strive to set realistic goals for their patients to best address their concerns while avoiding an overdone finish. The best possible results are those that refresh and enhance the face while maintaining a natural, healthy appearance.
For anyone who would like to know more background about the foundational filler known as Juvéderm®, read on:
How Do Juvederm® Fillers Work?
The Juvederm® filler family from Allergan (manufacturer of BOTOX® and other products) is one of the safest and most effective lines of dermal fillers on the market. While Juvederm® fillers are all created with the same key ingredient—hyaluronic acid—each member of the injectable family is formulated differently to achieve specific goals. All of the Juvederm® formulations are FDA approved to be used to improve one or more particular areas of the face.
It is important to note that while Juvederm® fillers and/or BOTOX® can achieve remarkable facial rejuvenation, they are not substitutes for an appropriate daily skincare regimen. The minimally invasive nature of Juvederm® is well suited to patients who are not ready for surgery, have informed and realistic expectations, and complement their results with a healthy, customized skincare routine.
Some of the improvements that Juvederm® filler treatments can achieve include:
- Smoothing lines, wrinkles, and folds (such as parentheses lines around the nose and mouth, lip lines, etc.)
- Augmenting and reshaping the chin, cheeks, and lips
- Correcting downturned corners of the mouth
- Filling in recessed scars or hollows
Juvederm® fillers marked with “XC” contain lidocaine, a pain-relieving agent that reduces discomfort from the injection, as well as post-injection swelling or bruising. Ice can also be used on the treatment areas to further minimize any discomfort and to help with swelling. Makeup can typically be used after a treatment session to cover up any bruising.
South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center in New Jersey
Dermatology for You
South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center is dedicated to providing a phenomenal experience for every patient. The team of professionals led by board-certified dermatologist and Philadelphia-area “Top Doc” Dr. Robin Levin is made up of skilled and caring professionals who make each patient a priority. Providing personalized care for South Jersey residents’ dermatology needs is a privilege Dr. Levin has been embracing for more than a decade.
South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center is dedicated to providing a phenomenal experience for every patient. The team of professionals led by board-certified dermatologist and Philadelphia-area “Top Doc” Dr. Robin Levin is made up of skilled and caring professionals who make each patient a priority. Providing personalized care for South Jersey residents’ dermatology needs is a privilege Dr. Levin has been embracing for more than a decade.
Types of Juvederm® Filler
Juvederm® products can be used on their own or in combination, depending on the number and type of concerns to be addressed.
Juvederm Vollure® in NJ
A loss of volume and vital elements in the skin can lead to the formation of wrinkles and lines, some of which deepen into more dramatic creases and folds as time goes by. While a youthful face is typically smooth, an aged face can be marked by lines that appear in a predictable pattern, such as nasolabial folds that form to either side of the nose and mouth and resemble the curve of parentheses. Juvederm Vollure® softens these obvious lines to make them less severe—and thereby less noticeable.
Juvederm Vollure™ XC (frequently referred to simply as Vollure™) is a hyaluronic acid-based filler designed to promote skin moisture and elasticity as it adds volume. It is ideal for moderate to severe nasolabial folds. When this type of Juvederm® is handled by an experienced injector, results can last up to 18 months. Juvederm Vollure™ can be administered as needed over time, allowing patients to maintain their smooth, more youthful look.
Though Juvederm Vollure™ has a specific purpose as a dermal filler, every face is different and requires a personal touch in order for results to look natural.
Is Juvederm® Vollure™ Right for You?
Juvederm Vollure™ is intended for women and men who are 21 or older, have never had allergy-related anaphylaxis, want to address their nasolabial folds and other lines near the mouth and nose, and understand their options and what Juvederm Vollure™ can and cannot do.
How Does Vollure™ Work?
Since Juvederm Vollure™ has a hyaluronic acid base, it works much the same as hyaluronic acid found naturally in the skin, where it binds to water and provides moisture. Moist skin is pliant, elastic, and less prone to revealing wrinkles and lines. The physical volume of Juvederm® also serves to replace natural collagen that gives the skin a smooth roundness, but that diminishes over time.
What to Expect After a Juvederm® Session
Juvederm Vollure™ injections are considered to be minimally invasive, in that they require no incisions or sutures. While there may be some slight redness and swelling at the injection site, there is no need for downtime to recover from a session. The added volume will be apparent right away.
Juvederm Voluma® in NJ
Aging impacts the face in a variety of ways, with one of the most visible changes developing as facial fat diminishes and shifts downward. Juvederm Voluma® addresses changing facial contours by restoring a roundness to the midface in what is known as the “apple.” Added volume there also serves to tighten the skin, subtly pulling up sagging tissue that can form jowls. It can last up to 21 months or longer*, and many patients who choose this filler are able to improve age-related volume loss without surgery.
This filler also has FDA approval to shape the jawline and address hollow temples.
Find out more about Juvederm® Voluma® in NJ. Call 856-810-9888 today, or to set up a consultation or appointment, click here.

Voluma® can add volume to key areas of the midface, replacing fat pads that have shifted or dwindled, with contouring results that last up to two years.
Voluma® can add volume to key areas of the midface, replacing fat pads that have shifted or dwindled, with contouring results that last up to two years. Proper application of Juvederm Voluma® requires not just knowledge of how to safely and effectively inject it, but also an artistic sensibility so that the results harmonize with the rest of the face and enhance it.
Is Voluma® Right for You?
Juvederm Voluma® injections are intended for patients who are older than 21, have never had anaphylaxis due to an allergy, are not allergic to lidocaine or proteins from Gram-positive bacteria, and want to correct their flattened cheeks and facial sagging.
Women and men often report that the process is virtually painless. The effects—smoother, rounder facial contours in place of hollows due to volume loss—can last up to two years.
How Does Voluma® Work?
Hyaluronic acid is an important component in youthful skin, as it holds onto moisture within the framework of collagen that gives skin its resilient structure. Both collagen and hyaluronic acid diminish in the skin over time, so Juvederm Voluma® serves to bring moisture-retaining volume back to where it is needed. It can also serve to stimulate new collagen production, furthering its volumizing and rejuvenating effects.
What to Expect After a Treatment Session
Because no incisions are involved in this straightforward treatment, many people find that they return to daily life right after their injections. There are some cautions, such as avoiding sunlight and makeup for a time, which can be discussed in detail at a consultation and after with a provider offering this injectable.
Expected side effects are mild and include reactions common to injections: bruising, swelling, and redness. These all tend to resolve on their own within two weeks.
Juvederm Volbella® in NJ
Thinning lips and wrinkles around the mouth can be a disconcerting result of aging. Juvederm Volbella® offers a quick and safe solution that can subtly volumize the lips and smooth wrinkles in the area, producing a youthful, yet natural-looking face.
Find out more about facial fillers like Volbella®, call 856-810-9888 today, or to set up a consultation or appointment, click here.

Juvederm Volbella® (or simply Volbella®) is a later addition to the FDA-approved Juvederm® line of injectable dermal fillers for the facial area. A Juvederm Volbella® treatment can add subtle volume to the lips and cheek areas, as well as address vertical lines around the mouth. It contains a specific blend of hyaluronic acid in gel form, the key ingredient used to draw in moisture and keep skin voluminous and elastic. It can also encourage increased production of collagen, one of the skin’s main support structures. Results can last up to a year. After this, patients tend to need less product in subsequent treatments to achieve their desired results. Juvederm Volbella® is safe to use multiple times, as may be appropriate for touch-ups or maintenance.
Volbella® injectable dermal fillers are a solution for patients who want to treat specific concerns such as thinning lips and vertical lip lines.
What Is Volbella®?
Juvederm Volbella® is a smooth and clear gel injected with an ultrafine needle into the lip and mouth areas. The filler procedure is handled in office during a session that can typically take between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area or areas being treated.
Patients who received Juvederm Volbella® treatments report that the injections are virtually painless and result in a smoother and tighter facial appearance. The effects last longer than those of some other fillers on the market.
Juvederm Volbella® treatments are suitable for patients who are older than 21, have had no severe allergy that resulted in a severe reaction (anaphylaxis), have no allergy to lidocaine, have no allergy to proteins from Gram-positive bacteria, and would like to have fuller lips and fewer wrinkles around the mouth area.
How Does Volbella® Work?
As with other Juvederm® products, Volbella® is formulated with maker Allergan’s proprietary Vycross® technology, which blends together different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid—a naturally occurring sugar found throughout the body that helps maintain fullness and elasticity of the skin.
Hyaluronic acid is actively involved in moisture retention, which affects how skin looks, feels, and functions. It retains water like a sponge, being able to absorb more than 1,000 times its own weight. Over time, however, the hyaluronic acid supply in the body drops significantly, resulting in thinner and less elastic skin. Also, when skin is exposed to environmental pollutants and excessive sunlight, it becomes inflamed, which results in the cells in the dermis layer slowing down the production of new hyaluronic acid, as well as existing stocks degrading faster.
This loss of hyaluronic acid over time leads to wrinkles and reduced definition and balance in the face’s natural shape.
The hyaluronic acid boost from Juvederm Volbella® works with water in the skin to restore lost fullness, soften lines and wrinkles, and subtly enhance lips. Patients who choose to get Juvederm® treatments may receive the added benefit of a collagen increase—the hyaluronic acid from the injections has been found to accelerate the formation of new collagen, which acts as a support structure for the skin. Ample collagen results in fewer wrinkles and longer-lasting results after a Juvederm® treatment session.
What to Expect After a Volbella® Treatment Session
Most people can resume their normal activities following a Juvederm Volbella® treatment session. A patient may be advised not to wear makeup for up to 12 hours, as well as to avoid direct sunlight, saunas, and steam rooms for up to two weeks.
After a Juvederm Volbella® treatment session, patients have said that their skin both looks and feels very natural. The areas of treatment may be massaged to evenly distribute the fluid. Ice may also be used to help reduce temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, and/or inflammation. Such side effects were found in studies to be moderate and only last for two to four weeks at most. If patients experience side effects for longer than four weeks after treatment, or if they have any other concerns, they should consult their doctor.
The results achieved from a Juvederm Volbella® treatment session can last up to a year under the right conditions—and in subsequent treatments, a patient’s desired results can be achieved using less product.
The variety of molecular weights contained in Juvederm Volbella® (due to Allergan’s proprietary technology) results in a blended gel form of hyaluronic acid rather than a liquid. This consistency helps it last for a prolonged period after being injected into the face. And since hyaluronic acid is not foreign to the body, the fluid is gradually absorbed over time. This makes Juvederm Volbella® safe for touch-ups or maintenance injections as appropriate.
Juvederm® Ultra is also used to volumize and reshape lips. However, Juvederm Volbella® adds a relatively subtler dose of volume, and can also be used to soften the appearance of vertical lip lines. Ultra may also be used to fill in wrinkles and add volume elsewhere, depending on what may suit your needs.
Juvederm® Filler Treatment & Recovery
A popular benefit of an injectable Juvederm® filler—as opposed to a surgical procedure—is the quick treatment time. Some patients may experience some swelling or bruising around the injection sites, but this should subside quickly. In most cases, an entire treatment session takes approximately half an hour, and patients are typically able to carry on with their usual activities afterward*, though they may be cautioned to avoid sunlight and physical exertion for a day or longer after their session.
Some patients report that they notice results right away. However, for the majority of Juvederm® filler patients, optimal results appear a few days following the procedure.
Find out more about how the experienced team at South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center provided facial fillers like Juvederm® for NJ-area patients, as well as what they recommend now. Contact Dr. Robin Levin’s office at 856-810-9888. To set up a consultation or appointment, Click here.
*We are all different! Patient results may vary.