Skin Conditions in New Jersey

Skin Conditions
Clinical Dermatology

Skin Conditions in New Jersey

When it comes to skin conditions in New Jersey and beyond, we are dedicated to individual patient care. Our caring approach for skin conditions includes a treatment plan and building patient knowledge on their particular condition. Following an evaluation during an appointment, we will review recommendations for your care and work together with you toward providing healing and relief.

The goal at our New Jersey practice is to prescribe a program that treats your overall skin health, addressing skin conditions that range from temporary annoyances to lifetime issues that go through periods of flares and remissions. The South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center team invites you to look forward to a results-oriented treatment that makes a visible difference.


Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robin Levin and the team of specialists at South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center have experience treating a wide array of skin conditions in the New Jersey area. Click here to schedule an appointment, or call at (856)-810-9888.

Other Skin Conditions We Care for in New Jersey

Not only do we provide treatment for acne, skin cancer, moles, and psoriasis, we offer care for South Jersey and Philadelphia patients seeking help for a variety of other skin conditions. Some of these treatments will resolve your condition, while other treatment plans help manage symptoms. We seek to give you healthier, refreshed, renewed, more beautiful skin.


There is no cure for this acne-like redness, but the symptoms can be controlled.

Hair Loss

A variety of options exist for people who want to keep their thinning hair or even replace what is lost.


These lumps and bumps tend to remain unless drained or surgically removed.


A variety of factors can lead to this typically itchy and dry condition.


This can manifest in several ways, but most commonly presents as raised patches of scaly red skin.


These benign bumps are caused by a virus, and there are several removal/treatment options.

Molluscom Contagiosum

This is also a viral-based condition that raises bumps on the skin, which can be treated medicinally or surgically.

Treatment for an array of skin conditions not listed is also available.

Beyond Skin Conditions: More About Caring for Your Skin

In addition to treatment for the skin conditions listed above and more, we offer options for care that extends to your aesthetic well-being and contributes to total skin health. Discover the benefits of ZO Skin Health, body sculpting, HydraFacial MD® and Obagi, and other rejuvenating offerings.

If you are ready to learn more about treatment for skin conditions at New Jersey's South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center, call at (856)-810-9888 or click here to schedule an appointment or consultation.


South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center in New Jersey

Dermatology for You

South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center is dedicated to providing a phenomenal experience for every patient. The team of professionals led by board-certified dermatologist and Philadelphia-area “Top Doc” Dr. Robin Levin is made up of skilled and caring professionals who make each patient a priority. Providing personalized care for South Jersey residents’ dermatology needs is a privilege Dr. Levin has been embracing for more than a decade.

Dr. Levin

South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center is dedicated to providing a phenomenal experience for every patient. The team of professionals led by board-certified dermatologist and Philadelphia-area “Top Doc” Dr. Robin Levin is made up of skilled and caring professionals who make each patient a priority. Providing personalized care for South Jersey residents’ dermatology needs is a privilege Dr. Levin has been embracing for more than a decade.


South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center in New Jersey

Dermatology for You

Dr. Levin

*We are all different! Patient results may vary.