PDO Thread Lifts and Timing: When Do Results Develop?

Sagging can take years to become apparent, with once-youthful contours shifting downward over years and decades. Happily, treatments to counter this sagging provide results that develop much more quickly. In fact, the results from PDO thread lifts at New Jersey’s South Jersey Skin Care are visible right away—and continue to develop in the following weeks and months.

Here’s what you should know about timing when it comes to this nonsurgical facial rejuvenation strategy.

To start with, there is no specific age when it is “right” to get a PDO thread lift. The best time to choose this treatment is when someone begins to see signs of aging—like folds and jowls—developing on the face. For some people, this is in their 40s, though others notice in their 30s. That said, the treatment can also be effective for women and men in their 50s. The point is that everything from marionette lines to flattened cheeks can be addressed, and what matters most is the condition of the facial contours and skin, as opposed to a person’s exact age.

Once injected, the threads pull the skin “backward and upward” so that it appears tighter and elevated as opposed to loose and “slumped.” Each thread is barbed, so that it holds firmly to the skin from the inside. The effect is noticeable right away, so patients will be able to see their more youthful contours as soon as they look in the mirror or take a selfie.

Happily, this rapid elevation is not the only benefit.

Each barbed thread also prompts a repair process in response to the insertion, with fresh collagen forming around the sutures. Since the material—known as polydioxanone (PDO)—is dissolvable, it gradually breaks down and leaves the collagen structure that built up over time.

This collagen creation process creates improvements over the six months after a session, resulting in a lifting effect that achieves its peak at about half a year. The polydioxanone also begins dissolving in this time, as well as throughout the rest of the year following the treatment.

The collagen built thanks to the PDO thread stimulation is long lasting, and can be expected to survive for about two years. This gives the cheeks a fuller and more elevated look and helps the face to appear overall leaner and slimmer.

For more information about PDO thread lifts, reach out to South Jersey Skin Care and Laser Center by calling 856.810.9888 or booking your consultation online. In fact, you can schedule a free initial consultation with Cosmetic Consultant Tara Avallone, a licensed medical esthetician who has collaborated with Dr. Robin Levin for almost two decades.

Dr. Robin Levin